

We have created a Home Business that... will lock you into success cycling every 10 days like clockwork
The Future Is Yours
As a Member of Wealth4All You Get the following :

- Advertising banners for any business or program you own or participate in..
- Training Packages on marketing, relationship building, business, and more..
- Live Training webinars from beginner to advanced courses..

- A sustainable, long term formula program that automatically builds growth..
- Complete back office system to manage your business..
- The opportunity to build a solid income with 95% of money going back to the field
- 3 pay cycles a month (based on number of TAPs owned)
- 50% Fast Start Bonus..
- 10% Bonus on Direct Referral for Advertising Package (TAP) purchases..
- A caring community of like-minded entrepreneurs that help each other..

New Wealth 468

Health & Wealth to Financial Freedom....

Welcome to Wealth 4 All Team!

What is Wealth4AllTeam?

It is a Cycler Unlike Any Other!
Cycling Guaranteed - Every 10 Days!
Truly Sustainable - Indefinitely!
No Recruiting Required to Earn!

 How Wealth4AllTeam Works!

Bisnis internasional dan terobosan baru 

"indefinitely sustainable"

Di persiapkan buat jangka panjang dengan konsep unik

Potensi penghasilan tidak terbatas per 10 hari 

Tidak perlu merekrut. minimum investasi bisa dari $26. 














































Actions to Take to Earn!
Join Wealth 4 All Team Here!

2: Fund your Account
3: Pay One-Time $10 Membership Fee
4: Buy Packages Starting at $16 (TAP-1.1)
Earn Consistent Ever Increasing Income - NO Limit!

What are TAPS?
TAPS (Training and Advertising Packages) are the Product!
There is currently 17 TAP Levels (more to be added)
Each TAP Level has 12 Modules..
Tap 1.1 to Tap 1.12 cost $16 each
Tap 2.1 to Tap 2.12 cost $32 each
Tap 3.1 to Tap 3.12 cost $64 each
Tap 4.1 to Tap 4.12 cost $128 each
Tap 5.1 to Tap 5.12 cost $192 each
Tap 6.1 to Tap 6.12 cost $16 each
Tap 7.1 to Tap 7.12 cost $32 each
Tap 8.1 to Tap 8.12 cost $64 each
Tap 9.1 to Tap 9.12 cost $128 each
Tap 10.1 to Tap 10.12 cost $192 each
Tap 11.1 to Tap 11.12 cost $16 each
Tap 12.1 to Tap 12.12 cost $32 each
Tap 13.1 to Tap 13.12 cost $64 each
Tap 14.1 to Tap 14.12 cost $128 each
Tap 15.1 to Tap 15.12 cost $192 each
Tap 16.1 to Tap 16.12 cost $16 each
Tap 17.1 to Tap 17.12 cost $32 each

We all begin at TAP 1.1 and then TAP 1.2 etc..
as we purchase more and more Taps either
from our own funding or the cycle profits!
Once we have reached TAP 1.12 then
the next TAP we purchase will be TAP 2.1 etc!

Each TAP Purchased Results in AU (Advertising Units)
Each 10 Day Cycle Pays You 90 Cents per AU!
AU received per TAP Purchase
Tap 1 = 5
Tap 2 = 8
Tap 3 = 16
Tap 4 = 32
Tap 5 = 48
Tap 6 = 5
Tap 7 = 8
Tap 8 = 16
Tap 9 = 32
Tap 10 = 48
Tap 11 = 5
Tap 12 = 8
Tap 13 = 16
Tap 14 = 32
Tap 15 = 48
Tap 16 = 5
Tap 17 = 8

Example Earnings
TAP 1 = 5 AU = 5 x 90cents = $4.50 per Cycle!

Each TAP Cycles 12 times
Cycle 1 - 6 Earns 100%
Cycle 7 - 12 Earns 50%

Using the Example above:
Cycle 1-6 = 6 x $4.50 = $27
Cycle 7-12 = 6 x $2.25 = $13.50
Total Earned = $40.50

How Automatic Income Building Works!
Each Cycle Earnings is Split 50/50
50% into Your Cycle Bucket Balance
(50% into Your E-Wallet - to Purchase New Taps or Cashout)
Each Time your Cycle Bucket Balance Reaches
the Cost of the Next Tap the System
Automatically Buys it for You!

How to Achieve the Perfect Start!
Purchase TAPS 1.1 to 1.12 including
One-Time $10 membership cost $202!
Each Cycle (10 days) you can cashout
Plus purchase new Taps!

To Grow Your Income Indefinitely!
100% Repurchase for at least 3 months..
6 months would be better!

Become a Free Member of #1 Wealth 4 All Team!
Join Us Free on the Next Page!
NOTE: Please make sure the joining form says:
Your Enroller ID: 14511
Your enroller's name is Idris Nuraw
Thank You!

Actions to Take to Earn!
Join Wealth 4 All Team Here!

2: Fund your Account
3: Pay One-Time $10 Membership Fee
4: Buy Packages Starting at $16 (TAP-1.1)
Earn Consistent Ever Increasing Income - NO Limit!

>> P L E A S E read the above several times to understand 100%! <<


Sign up untuk registrasi di link ini:





Login masuk ke

1. tekan menu "Fund E Wallet"

Jadi semua proses investasi harus masukkan dulu ke E-Wallet

kena biaya 7% utk Alertpay

di Amount " masukki jumlah yang mau di invest


Trus tekan "preview "

2. Tekan menu "Make Payment"

Bayar keanggotaan utk sekali seumur hidup $10

Utk biaya lvel ..di mulai dari level TAP 1.1 itu sebesar $16

jadi total $26


TAP itu singkatannya "Training and Advertising Packages". ( Paket latihan dan iklan ) ini produknya yang kita beli dan invest.

Ada 17 TAP dan bisa di tambah lagi sewaktu waktu..


Tiap Tap punya 12 modul


Jadi kalo mau beli Tap lebih banyak tidak apa2 malahan lebih bagus..berarti bisa dapat profit lebih banyak.



Tiap TAP Level punya 12 Modules.. 


Tap 1.1 to Tap 1.12 cost $16 each >>>> ini lah modal utk investasi di awal. 16 dollars/tap

Tap 2.1 to Tap 2.12 cost $32 each

Tap 3.1 to Tap 3.12 cost $64 each

Tap 4.1 to Tap 4.12 cost $128 each

Tap 5.1 to Tap 5.12 cost $192 each

Tap 6.1 to Tap 6.12 cost $16 each

Tap 7.1 to Tap 7.12 cost $32 each

Tap 8.1 to Tap 8.12 cost $64 each

Tap 9.1 to Tap 9.12 cost $128 each

Tap 10.1 to Tap 10.12 cost $192 each

Tap 11.1 to Tap 11.12 cost $16 each

Tap 12.1 to Tap 12.12 cost $32 each

Tap 13.1 to Tap 13.12 cost $64 each

Tap 14.1 to Tap 14.12 cost $128 each

Tap 15.1 to Tap 15.12 cost $192 each

Tap 16.1 to Tap 16.12 cost $16 each

Tap 17.1 to Tap 17.12 cost $32 each


Jadi Tap akan di mulai dari Tap 1.1 . trus 1.2 dst sampe Tap 1.12 ..nah selanjutnya akan masuk level berikutnya Tap 2.1 , 2.2 dst sampe 2.12 jg dst dst


jadi kalo mau invest langsung ke tap 1.12 bisa juga..berarti bayar $16 sebanyak 12 kali..


Tiap Tap itu menentukan profit kita yang di bayar per 10 hari.

Tiap pembelian TAP ini akan menghasilkan AU ( Advertising units )



Tap 1 = 5 AU

Tap 2 = 8 AU

Tap 3 = 16

Tap 4 = 32

Tap 5 = 48

Tap 6 = 5

Tap 7 = 8

Tap 8 = 16

Tap 9 = 32

Tap 10 = 48

Tap 11 = 5

Tap 12 = 8

Tap 13 = 16

Tap 14 = 32

Tap 15 = 48

Tap 16 = 5

Tap 17 = 8


Jadi per 10 hari cycle bayar nya $0.9 per AU! atau 90 cents per AU!

contoh hitungannya: misalkan kamu di TAP 1


TAP 1 = 5 AU x 90 cents = $4.5 per cycle


Jadi 1 TAP kan 12 kali cycle : terpecah jadi 2 tahap:

Cycle 1-6 di kalikan 100%

Cycle 6-12 di kalikan 50%


jadi 6 kali cycle x $ 4.5 = $27

6 kali cycle sisanya x $ 2.25 ( cuman 50% ) = $13.50


Total penghasilan dalam 12 kali cycle jika di mulai dari tap 1.1 dengan total 5AU adalah $40.50


Jadi 50% dari penghasilan ini akan di masukkan ke menu 'Cycle bucket balance" dan secara otomatis akan di belikan tap baru jika duitnya dah memenuhi di balance nya

50% bisa di withdraw atau belikan tap baru juga bisa


jadi ini strategi reinvestnya..


Cara mulai terbaik itu di investasi berapa..?


Bagusnya mulai langsung beli tap 1.12 .. ( TAP 1 modules 12 )

jadi bayar biaya anggota $10

tiap modul di TAP 1 itu $16 jadi kalo 12 modules. ya di kali aja $16 x 12 = $192


jadi total investasi yang paling bagus di awal utk memulai $192 + $10 = $ 202


Perhitungan: ( jika di mulai dari tap 1.12 = berarti 5AU di kali 12 modules = 60 AU )

Jadi ada 12 kali cycle .. setiap cycle memakan waktu 10 hari. berarti 120 hari cycle.. ( 4 bulan )


Cycle 1-6 dapati 100% berarti 60 x 0.9 cents = $54 >>> 50% akan di reinvest otomatis..

berarti kalo 6 kali cycle dalam 2 bulan berarti $54 x 6 = $324 ( 50% akan di reinvest otomatis )

6 kali cycle berikutnya di bulan 3 dan bulan ke 4 = $27 x 6 = $ 162 ( 50% akan di reinvest otomatis )


jadi total earning selama 12 kali cycle adalah $486 ..


*Untuk mendapatkan profit yang terus berlangsung tanpa batas waktu..strategi terbaiknya

Repurchase aja terus selama 3 bulan lebih bagus lagi 6 bulan..




Setiap Tap akan berakhir 12 kali cycle.. 1 kali cycle masa waktu nya 10hari. jadi sebulan 3 kali cycle. dan 6 kali cycle sebesar 100% dan 6 kali cycle berikutnya 50%


untuk dapati $1000 per 10 hari. ini strateginya:

di umpamakan punya 3000AU .. berarti 3000 x 0.9 cents = $2700 kan? 50% akan masuk ke dalam sistem utk beli AU lagi. sebesar $1350.ini dak bisa di withdraw, masih ada $1350 lagi kan? strateginya jangan di withdraw semua.. 25% di pake buat beli AU juga..jadi kira2 $350 dollars. jadi masih sisa ada $1000 bisa di tarik dalam 10 hari itu..berarti sebulan 3 kali cycle ..bisa withdraw $3000 dengan compound masih 75% utk punya AU baru


Selamat mencoba!







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